It is ‘Artists Open Houses’ time of year; the art event linked to the Brighton Festival. Having opened my studio in Ditchling for the past twelve years, I wasn’t sure that I would be taking part this year. However, an exciting invitation from Ditchling artist Miranda Ellis to join her open studio and a chance message from a friend of a friend to take part in her Hove house has resulted in a busy month! Here follows some more information about each venue:
Art in Ditchling. Venue number 1 on the trail: FourFree. ‘Celebrating nine years, four different artists exhibit in a secret jungle and lofty garden studio, with a shortcut entry from The Blue Shed Studio. Outside, Miranda Ellis’s glimmering abstract cast glass sculptures lead to the studio where, inside, Judith Fisher’s primeval Raku and porcelain pots contrast with Natasha Caughey’s unique gemstone and freshwater pearl jewellery and Miranda Ellis, painter and host, shows small and large scale work on several themes including her jungle garden.’ Open Saturdays and Sundays during May along with both Bank Holiday Mondays 11am – 5pm. I will be there in person on Monday 6th and Sunday 19th. See and for more information.
Hove Arts. Venue number 3 on the trail: 28 Osborne Villas. ‘This is our first year opening the house and we are excited to share a spirit-lifting miscellany of work, loosely themed around light and Summer.’ Jo Hathaway – painting; Natasha Caughey – jewellery; Suzy Barnes – textiles; Liz Temperley – paper and books; Sarah Corney – painting; Little Kit – illustration. Open weekends of 4/5, 11/12, 18/19 May and Monday 6th May 11am – 6pm. I will be there in person on Sunday 5th May and Saturday 11th May. See and for more information.
I do hope you can make it along to one, or both, of the venues.